Light It Up
Keep It Safe
Specialized Lighting
Ensure safety by alerting others in your surroundings, distinguish an emergency vehicle from other civilian vehicles on the road, or simply add a little sparkle and shine to your pick-up.
Overwhelmed by the variety of flash patterns and color options available, not to mention all the rules and regulations? We can guide you to the right product to keep you safe and light your way to improved visibility.
Safety First
With studies suggesting that humans can differentiate more shades of GREEN than any other color, maintenance vehicles are now incorporating them into their vehicles. This enables drivers to spot them more easily in the low-visibility conditions we often find ourselves in throughout the highly varied Michigan terrain.
Work Zone Lighting Requirements
All Contractors', subcontractors' and suppliers' mobile equipment, operating within the limits of the Project with potential exposure to passing traffic, shall be equipped with operable warning lights which meet the appropriate requirements of the SAE specifications.
The SAE specification requirements are as follows:
360 Degree Rotating Lights - SAE Specification J845
Flashing Lights - SAE Specification J595
Flashing Strobe Lights - SAE Specification J1318
All supplemental lights must be SAE Class 1 certified. This specification is to be used for both day and night time operations. These warning lights shall also be operating and visible when a vehicle decelerates to enter a construction work zone and again when a vehicle leaves the work zone and enters the traveled traffic lane.
As of September 2016, House Bill No. 5247 became effective, which allows the use of “flashing, rotating, or oscillating amber or green lights by a state, county, or municipal vehicle engaged in the removal of ice, snow or other material from the highway and in other operations designed to control ice and snow, or engaged in other non-winter operations.” For more information, check out some of additional the links below.